Tag Archives: forgetting about an affair

Will he ever cheat again? How to stop the mind games

forgetting about affairForgetting About An Affair

He Cheated — What do I do Now?

Did your Nowra-Bomaderry cheat on you? That really sucks. If he cheated on you recently, then you might be in a complete state of disarray. I certainly was, a long time ago. My current husband and I have known each other since we were toddlers, and we've been together in our relationship since we were 15 years old. Everyone around us always said that we were like Romeo and Juliet, and I always agreed with them. That is until he cheated on me with the hot female mechanic who was working on his pickup truck. I'll never forget her smug face… anyway, after I found out about his infidelity, I was totally crushed, and I didn't feel like myself for a couple of months. Eventually, I managed to caw my way out of the void, and I realized that my husband is actually a good man, and that this one-time cheating incident was just a small blunder that won't ever happen again. However, that's my situation — I know my husband well enough to know that he's worthy of forgiveness. I don't know what your situation is like, and I don't know your man. You have all the answers you need, but maybe I can help out with some insight.

Forgetting About an Affair

Forgetting about an affair is much easier said than done. After my husband cheated on me, I couldn't do anything but lie down in my dark bedroom (he was sleeping on the couch that summer) and eat tubs of ice cream while watching daytime soap operas. There's really nothing that can concretely take your mind off the affair — you just need to give it some time.

Moving on From Cheating

Moving on from cheating takes time, but it's possible. I'm living proof that it can happen. After you discover that you're being cheated on, it might feel like there will never be any light in your life. I certainly felt that way. However, these days, I'm happier than I ever was before, because I've moved on from cheating a long time ago. It might seem impossible at first, but just give it some time. You need to experience your pain organically. When the pain is done with you, it will simply pack its bags and leave.

Finding Love Again

Finding love again will be hard, but I know you can do it. Whether you decide to stay in the relationship and rebuild the love with your man, or you decide to leave and find someone else, love will one day come for you again. It won't happen anytime soon, because you still need some time to feel the pain of being cheated on. But, if you wait patiently, love will eventually come again.

Building a Happy Life

You can build a happy life again, despite being cheated on. After I got back on my feet those many years ago, I took my entire life in my own hands. I mean that literally — I built an entire house from the ground up, all by myself without the use of any power tools. Today, that's the house that my husband and I are living in, and we could not be happier. I'm not saying that you should build a house by hand — just that you should take your life in your own hands, and seek happiness in whatever way you want it.
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