Category Archives: How To Pickup

Learn how to detect dating scams

dating scamsAvoid Dating Scams

How To Write Personal Classified Ads

If you're a man looking to find a hot woman to have sex with in the area, it's important to grasp the notion of learning how to detect dating scams. There are so many fake dating websites parading the internet these days that it's hard for men to even have a chance of finding the good ones out there. The good ones are certainly out there, we assure you, but they're just hidden under a virtual pile of dirt. What you need to think about first is how to write personal classified ads — at least, you need to understand how real people write personal classified ads. Real people inject aspects of their personalities into their online dating profile, and you can instantly see the person for how unique they really are by reading through their dating profile information. On the contrary, when scammers and programs write their online dating profiles, they fill it with bland, general information that is far too good to be true. An example of this is the common one of finding a woman who looks hot in her pictures, and her profile is filled with information of how hot she is on the idea of having sex right away with someone, and meeting up with them as soon as humanly possible to do so. Write your own personal classified ads, and read the ones pertaining to women on real dating sites, and you'll instantly be able to spot a fake online dating profile.

How To Spot A Dating Scam

As we said above, spotting a dating scam through shady online dating profiles is one way to go about things, but it's not the only way. Another way of knowing if you're on a crappy adult dating site is verifying whether or not there are any chatbots on the website. Chatbots are the bane of the internet, and they unfortunately flood the virtual realm of online dating websites. If you've come across an online dating site filled with virtual chat bots, then you might have really screwed up in making your online dating website choice, and it's time to pedal back a little and choose a better place to spend your internet time on. The real, functional dating sites out there have no bots whatsoever — just real, genuine women who live in your area and want to have a hot one night stand with you as soon as humanly possible.

Avoid Dating Mistakes Like This

When trying to sniff out for chatbots, it's important to avoid messages that are far too good to be true, from women who are far too hot to be real. You might find that an online chat box pops up on your internet screen, and the picture of that person shows someone who appears to look like a Victoria's Secret model. That woman might say a variation of things that all suggest that she wants you in her pants as soon as possible, and if you'll please direct your attention and your credit card information to an exterior website, you two will be well on your way to having sex. However, as we all know, that sort of thing is too good to be true, and must be dismissed immediately. Don't pay attention to the chat bots, as they are a complete waste of time. Instead, shuffle through the various adult dating websites out there until you find a good one, and spend your time chatting with the real women on there.

Impress Her With Your Dating Skills

Once you finally land yourself on a good adult hookup site, pull out all your classic conversational tricks in order to really get yourself in your lady's favor. Impress her with your wit and charm through conversation, show her what your psychology is made of, and make her fall for you entirely. If you really sweep her off her feet in the online world, you'll have a great chance of getting laid on the very first date.

Be Smart Online: Don't Fall For Traps

You need to be smart during your online dating adventure, and don't fall for any of the standard traps that scammers set for you. Many men have fallen victim to these traps by giving out their credit card information to someone they think is a hot girl that they'll be having sex with. Just be vigilant, and always have your guard up. Eventually you will find the right online hookup website for you, and there won't be any need to worry about getting ripped off online.
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How To Ask A Woman Out: Writing Better Emails

confidence with womenAsking women out
Is your online dating experience losing traction because you've been striking out on email replies? Can't seem to get women to respond to your emails? Online dating sites can open up a whole new world of possibilities, allowing you to find the right match for you by comparing profiles, reading reviews and exchanging information by email that could lead to a date, a casual hook-up, friends with benefits, or something more. Asking a woman out doesn't have to be a clumsy experience but making the best of online dating still takes a little finesse. Matchmaking experts have all kinds of ideas and online dating tips on how to write emails that get a response from women and help you stand out from the crowd. You may already have great photos and a witty profile page that's generating attention, just not the kind you want. You might be great at initiating conversation by email, but have a harder time sustaining the exchange with your responses. Luckily, there are a few simple adjustments you can make that will drastically improve your results. Here are some do's and don'ts of asking a woman out by email: 1· Do Be Tasteful. There's nothing wrong with a sense of humor, or with being provocative, but crude expressions and explicit content are likely to get you flagged for inappropriate content and removed from dating sites promptly. Women appreciate a man who can be naughty and nice with his choice of words. Leave room for the imagination rather than writing explicit, graphic descriptions of your sexual prowess. 2· Don't Be Cliché. It's perfectly fine to use catch phrases and expressions we're familiar with, but if you're trying to make an impression on a prospective date by email, put a little effort into ideas for your first date. Find out what interests you share and seek out an occasion you'll both enjoy. Consider events that stimulate the mind (plays, art exhibits, author readings) instead of a nightclub or local sports bar. Show her some depth to your personality and she'll be intrigued. 3· Do Make Her Feel Special. Posting an online dating profile can feel a bit intimidating. Knowing you're only one of ten thousand single women or men in your neighborhood or locality also means being compared and rated next to the competition. If you find a profile that catches your eye, what is it that compelled you to connect with her? Instead of telling her you love girls with tattoos, tell her why you like her tattoo and what you think it might say about her. If she posts a photo of her in a sexy outfit, comment instead on her facial features, hair or smile as her most attractive physical quality. Complimenting her breasts will probably make her reconsider the photo and exchange it for something that will invite less juvenile replies. 4· Do Start With a Great Title. Some of the best novels and films carry titles that evoke a sense of mystery or curiosity: Pale Rider, The Godfather, Ex Machina, A Tale of Two Cities - they titillate as well as mystify. Of course, you're not writing a suspense action thriller but thoughtful email titles will stand out when she scrolls down her inbox for new mail. If your title is bold but mysterious, you'll find your response rate will quickly start to climb instead of disappearing among all the other content piling up in her Gmail account. Short and sweet is best. 5· Don't Plagiarize. You might be tempted to borrow a witty pick-up line from a movie you thought was obscure, but don't attempt to pass it off as your own. Taking lines from profiles of other single men will hardly make you stand out as unique. Sending the same email reply to twenty different women could come back to bite you in the behind. If you're plagiarism is discovered later, you'll hurt your credibility and come off as a real tool. 6· Do Keep it Honest. While most men have a tendency to exaggerate their income, height, and sexual prowess, misrepresenting yourself to a prospective date is the best way to guarantee she never sees you again. Posting an image of how you looked five years ago, before the paunch, will only draw charges of false advertising and rightly so. Think of how you feel when you find out the girl you're dating is actually a brunette and not a genuine blond. No one likes to be deceived or manipulated. 7· Don't Monopolize the Conversation. The goal of your email reply should be to inspire a conversation that will help you both get to know each other better. Express an interest in her by asking questions, but don't cross-examine her like a crown prosecutor trying to break down the star witness. Keep your questions open-ended rather than yes or no. Instead of asking “Do you like sports?” you could ask her “What was your favorite past time growing up?” By posing questions that require thoughtful reflection, you'll draw out a more in-depth response that could reveal points of common ground you both share.
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Emotional Vs. Physical Cheating: Which Is Worse?

best cheating sitesCheating
Few relationship topics are as hotly debated as emotional cheating vs physical cheating. Proponents on both sides have equally compelling reasons for arguing the effects of both can be equally harmful and hurtful to the respective party. Being in a committed relationship requires a level of intimacy and trust that comes second only behind the bond we share with our children. All the same, it's never easy to confront feelings of marital unhappiness, especially when intimacy is strained by factors neither of you are in control of. The growing demands of family life, work and finances can leave little room for kindling the romantic flames in a relationship. Drifting slowly apart over time can lead some people in search of The growing indifference to sex and romance doesn't happen overnight but gradually, like the change in seasons or the drift of continents. Only a vague premonition guides them to the profiles of eligible singles and other adventurous souls, but the driving force behind their curiosity is often rooted in a desperate need for passion and intimacy. Coming to terms with neglected feelings when there are always other priorities to discuss takes backseat repeatedly in your daily routine, but the need for excitement, romance, and sexual intimacy are fundamental to a healthy relationship of any kind. Denying or repressing the desire for connection when you're already in a committed relationship may feel like the right thing to do for any number of reasons - the kids, the mortgage, her poor health, yours, fear - but choosing infidelity will have far greater consequences. Is emotional cheating vs physical cheating a choice between two evils? Is it better to fantasize about an affair than to actually act on it? Are you guilty of being unfaithful if you've only thought about it? Infidelity is fundamentally an emotional decision. Whether you act on the emotion or engage in imaginary scenarios, you experience the thrill, excitement, and anticipation of an affair in different ways. One is visceral and takes time to process. The other is mental and allows you to safely explore your feelings while avoiding any immediate threat to your relationship. Fantasizing about your wife's hot co-worker can be a passing, momentary experience that breaks up the monotony of your daily routine. It can even get you excited about your own wife. Although you control how far the scenario develops, the setting, circumstances and every other aspect of your imaginary tryst, habitually daydreaming about other women when you're in a committed relationship can lead to reckless behavior. There may come a point when the fantasy isn't satisfying enough and you neglect your significant other for not measuring up to your idealized image. The impression we create of other people can easily be mistaken for an authentic representation. We fall in love with our own ‘creation' and out of love with the vital connections already in our life. Emotional cheating can lead to a distorted view of your marriage, and unrealistic perceptions of the object of your desire. Routinely fantasizing about other people when you're in a monogamous relationship is a sure sign that something is missing in your relationship. Exploring your sexuality with other people is a necessary part of discovering who we are, but not everyone embarks wholeheartedly on the journey. Some warm up to the adventure many years into their adulthood, others dive in shortly after they reach puberty. After years of exclusively monogamous relationships, you may wake up one day and realize that you want to broaden your sexual horizons, or just curious about what else is out there. People change. Our needs and our goals change, along with our priorities, our jobs, our relationships, and our perspective on life. How we choose to confront and cope with these changes defines our character. Physical cheating is far less subtle than emotional betrayal, but actions cannot be recalled or undone. There is a finality to the physical act of consummating your desire to cheat that far outweighs the effect of a wet dream. You may feel guilty about your erotic thoughts for someone else, but they are thoughts you can prevent from becoming actions. Once you actually commit the act, your infidelity is no longer a hypothetical, but a fact of reality. Even the most devoted couples face occasional tests to the strength of their bond in the form of temptations from coworkers, friends, and helpful neighbors. Traveling away from home frequently can put an extra strain on both partners and leave both feeling disconnected and drifting apart. Whether you've thought about cheating or you've been unfaithful, whether you've cheated or you've been cheated on, the road to infidelity is a slippery slope that usually starts at the well of harmless intentions. What might begin as a harmless crush can become an unhealthy fixation if unreasonably prolonged. Being faithful to your partner should extend to your actions as well as thoughts, your devotion in body and mind. You can find more great relationship advice and dating tips here.
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